Al-Qaeda training western looking terrorists in Pakistan

The AFP reports:

CIA director Michael Hayden warned Sunday that Al-Qaeda was training operatives who “look western” and could enter the United States undetected to conduct terrorist attacks.

“They are bringing operatives into that region for training — operatives that, a phrase I would use, wouldn’t attract your attention if they were going through the customs line at Dulles (airport near Washington DC) with you,” Hayden told NBC television.

The new recruits “look western” and “would be able to come into this country … without attracting the kind of attention that others might,” he said.

Perhaps the strangest assertion that I have ever heard is those who say “the Bush administration is only trying to scare people” whenever a report similar to this comes out. Most of them also screamed that the administration did not do enough to prevent 9/11. The not funny thing is none of them seem to be demanding that House Speaker Pelosi bring the Senate’s version of the update to the FISA law to the floor for a vote.

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