Mark Levin

Times Square attack hacks; Racial politics by political leadership endangering American people

Bill Roggio of the Long War Journal reported that the Taliban video taking credit for the attempted bombing in Times Square was created in April and uploaded from Connecticut before the attack:

The YouTube website that hosted the video was created by a group calling itself the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan News Channel. The website was created one day before the failed attack, and the video was also uploaded one day before the attack, The Long War Journal first reported on May 2.

Far worse than being hacks for political correctness, Mayor Michael Bloomberg (“Maybe … someone with a political agenda who doesn’t like the health care bill…”) and Congressman Jerrold Nadler (“Whether they were some right-wing nut group…”) endanger their constituents by averting attention away from the real danger, those who have made at least 31 attempts to attack us here on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001.

Mark Levin spoke of this on last night’s Sean Hannity Show:

“[Terrorists] are making a run at us … because they sense weakness, they sense that we have our guard down … It is obviously fundamental Islam. It is not 40-year old white guys. … We are talking about protecting this country and these guys play group, racial politics.”

Also see Bill Roggio’s excellent follow-on reports.

Lawyers, damn lawyers, and Al Qaeda; Mark Levin stands with Keep America Safe

Mark Levin stands with Keep America Safe and disputes “the group of leading conservative lawyers and policy experts denouncing as “shameful” Republican attacks on lawyers who came to the Obama Justice Department after representing suspected terrorists.”

“The isn’t the Boston Massacre. You have people in the position of defending this nation at the highest levels of the Justice Department who have represented the enemy, and their belief systems have clearly affected national security policy. … And in some cases, these lawyers were not just representing clients, they went out and found them, sought them out. They considered them some of the most important cases they ever had. “Due process rights for the enemy? Absolutely. Civilian justice for the enemy? Absolutely.” Now they’re in government making the same exact decisions except they are setting policy. … Ben Smith at Politico, why don’t you make a list of some lawyers like me, former Chief of Staff to Attorney General Meese; I side with Liz Cheney and Debra Burlingame and Keep America Safe.”

Here is the complete audio of Mark on this from last night:

On February 26, 2010, Mark Levin cited a factual account of the Boston Massacre and John Adams’ truly noble role in its aftermath. Mark added:

“[T]hese things get used to distort current events. … The Boston Massacre had nothing to do with overthrowing the United States — it was a tragedy and John Adams did not seek as his goal to confer special rights on people who were plotting to destroy American society through any means possible.”

I offer Mark’s commentary as further evidence that to cite John Adams as a comparable example to the allegedly altruistic work of the ‘Al Qaeda Seven‘ (among others) fractures American history. Worse, it unwittingly lends credibility to the ACLU’s vile use of that Founding Father and a great patriot’s name in their insidious attempt to undermine our national security and to criminalize America’s use of military force in the Nation’s defense.

“If lawyers choose to volunteer their services to the enemy in wartime, they are on the wrong side of that fault line, and no one should feel reluctant to say so.” — Andrew McCarthy

“If not for the vigilant work of Keep America Safe, the corruptocrat Attorney General Eric Holder’s national security stone wall on DOJ’s terror lawyers would still be standing. Asking politely, in respectful tones with bowed heads and stooped spines, did not get the DOJ to cough up the names.” — Michelle Malkin